How to contact Ipsy


One of the things that nobody thought would really matter or have a significant impact on the Beauty industry is Originally founded by a team of beauty v-loggers who promote the Ipsy products and subscriptions on their video channel, and includes a star-studded cast, such/ as Michelle Phan (a very popular v-logger), Marcelo Camberos as the CEO of the company, Jennifer Jaconetti Goldfarb, who is personally responsible for many of’s many innovative ideas. The website was founded in 2011 and was primarily a subscription-based business.

While each subscription cost a person 10 dollars a month, Ipsy provided a beauty makeup bag that contained small, but free samples of various kinds of makeup and cosmetics equipment from some of the most famous companies out there. Ipsy does not purchase these sample, but instead receives a good number of free samples per month in exchange for the feedback they gather on the products provided in the makeup bag.

Ipsy is a website that runs solely according to the mood of the public, and thus they are very communicative, and insist that anybody with remarks, complaints or suggestions pick up the phone and call the Ipsy contact number now!

Product Services:-

Ipsy offers the following services to its customers-

    • Callyssee
    • Glamglow
    • Nomad Cosmetics
    • Pinrose
    • Aveda
    • Akar Skin
    • Eyeko


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