How to contact DirectTV


DirecTV, formerly known as DirecTV Group Inc. a subsidiary of AT&T is an American direct broadcast satellite service provider based out of El Segundo, California. On July 24, 2015, it was renamed to DirecTV. DirectTV launched its maiden satellite service on the 17th of June, 1994. It transmits digital satellite television and audio connections in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean Americas.

The services offered under its umbrella include local television stations, broadcast television networks, satellite radio services, subscription television services, and private radio services. Under its plans, consumers subscribe to various packages of DirecTV, which are budget-oriented and come with premium content. A subscriber can also order pay-per-view and video-on-demand events and movies.

Its customer service is provided by many third-party owned call centres both within and outside the United States, and is prompt at redressal or grievance issues. DirecTV is one of the leading cable service providers in the US market with a subscriber base of 19.8 million people. It provides exciting packages for the customers along with HD channels and Internet service. It provides connections through optical fibre links; hence, the connection is super fast, stable and trustworthy.

Products and Services:-

DirectTV offers the following services to customers-

  • Live TV
  • Movies
  • TV Shows

Area Covered

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