How to contact JEA


JEA is a company located in Jacksonville, Florida and owned by a Northeast Florida community that deals with power outages and monitors electrical services. Not-for-profit electric, water and sewer service are the main services provided by the body. It has residential customers who are the source of half of its revenue and there are approximately 50,000 commercial and industrial customers who contribute to the rest of its revenue. Almost one-third of the all water revenue as well as the wastewater revenue can be credited to the commercial as well as the industrial sectors of the market that JEA covers.

JEA has a serving base of up to 458,000 electric customers, another 341,000 water consumers and an estimated 264,000 sewer customers. They are consumed by the idea to improve their services and have been doing so throughout their tenure in the electricity industry. They are all about economic development and work tirelessly to achieve their goals. The body is governed by a panel of seven board of directors who are approved by the Mayor after they have been appointed by him and are then confirmed by the City Council who then appoint a CEO. They are reliable and extremely responsive and present themselves sin the answering capacity to their consumers.

Products and Services:-

Jea offers the following services to its customers-

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Sewer
  • Chilled water
  • Countersinks
  • Ball Bearing Holes


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