How to contact Lexington Law


While not long has passed since their founding, Lexington Law is still one of the most famous credit repair companies in the entire world. Founded in 1991, Lexington promotes and markets itself as the best credit repair company in the entire world. While there are many other companies who have had more years of experience of operating in this industry, Lexington Law is one of those that value actions over words and have produced more solid results than almost any other credit repair company. They have more than 27 years’ worth of experience of repairing credit, and provide many other services, along with some free ones that are entirely for the convenience and benefit of the customer, such as a completely free Credit Report Summary and a free Case Evaluation.

One of the figures that speak the most and loudest about the solid results produced by the company is the bare number of people whose credit they have repaired, with the number exceeding hundreds of thousands. Always a company that valued the input of its customers and visitors, they urge anybody with complaints, remarks, doubts, questions, queries or comments to immediately call the quite commonly seen Lexington Law contact number.

Product Services:-

Lexington Law offers the following services to its customers-

  • General Litigation & Services
  • Child Custody
  • Bankruptcy
  • Criminal Defense
  • Property & Water Rights
  • DUI Defense
  • Pro Bono (Select Cases)


Area Covered

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