How to contact Akc


American Kennel Club also known as AKC was founded on 1884 is a registry of dog pedigrees that are purebred in the United States of America. The club thoroughly maintains the pedigree registry and along with that, it also works on promoting and sanctioning different events that are being held for purebred dogs. The events include Dog show of Westminster Kennel Club along with National dog Show and AKC National Championship which is sponsored by the Royal Canin. But it is to be noted that, AKC is not a part of World Canine Organization. This is the one non-profit organization for registering purebred dogs in US along with being the most famous and influential. In order to register a purebred dog with AKC, it is mandatory for the dog’s parents to be registered with the AKC as the same breed and along with that, the litter in which the dog was born must also be registered with AKC. Registering with AKC only means that the parents of the dog were of a recognised breed and was registered as the same. It definitely does not indicates the healthiness of the dog and neither it reflects the quality of breeder and nor the way in which the dog was raised.

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Products and Services :-

Akc offers the following services to its customers-

  • AKC Magazines
  • Pedigrees
  • Breeder Reports
  • Training Products
  • Dog Gift Packs
  • AKC Pet Insurance
  • AKC Veterinary Network
  • AKC Canine Retreat


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