How to contact China Southern Airlines


Airlines is a huge and indispensible part of transportation today, and without it, no country can ever have an effective transportation system for either passengers or cargo, national or cross-country. This goes even more for China, which is one of the biggest and most populated countries in the world. Naturally, the country has its fair measure of a plethora of airline companies that operate within the country, but the biggest of them are called the ‘big three’ of the Chinese airlines : Air China, China Eastern Airlines, and China Southern Airlines. China Southern Airlines among these boasts the largest fleet size in all of Asia, and also the world’s sixth largest when filtered by annual passenger traffic. Even though its origin is laid within the 1984 decision to decentralize the CAAC, the governing department that handles all things about aircraft and flights in china, China Southern Airlines took flight under its own name in 1991. From the early years of Air China domination, the fleet of China Southern Airlines has since grown to accommodate over 2000 flights daily to over 200 unique destinations. The destinations cover most countries in Asia, including Mainland China, some of western Europe including UK, and also Australia, Canada, US, and Mexico.

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Products and Services :-

China Southern Airlines offers the following services to its customers-

  • First Class
  • Business Class
  • Economy Class
  • Premium Economy class



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