How to contact Fda


Even though the War on Drugs is generally referred to as the mobilized incentive towards actively penalizing drug abuse that started at the cusp of the 1970’s, it is a war fought on many fronts. Prevention, it has been held, is better than cure, and the US has its own safeguards at the very first instance to prevent not only the peddling but the production of drug abuse at its roots. This is the primary task of FDA (Fodd and Drug Administration), a federal agency that regulates food, pharmaceutical drugs, and cosmetics under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and more recently the Public Health Service Act.  Even though it emerged as a concrete institutional body in 1927, the roots of FDA was laid within the late 19th century Bureau of Chemistry in the US Department of Agriculture. Today more than $1 trillion in consumer products including food, drugs, cosmetics, and vitamin supplements is regulated solely by FDA. Other than moderating the distribution of products on the pharmacy counters, FDA also has a crucial role in regulating food – by curating the standards and norms that all manufacturers and the food processing industry at large are recommended to follow, distinguishing between products unauthorized by the institution, and the safe-to-consume FDA-Approved or FDA-Compliant products.

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Products and Services :-

Fda offers the following services to its customers-

  • Food
  • Drugs
  • Medical Devices
  • Radiation-Emitting Products
  • Vaccines, Blood & Biologics
  • Animal & Veterinary
  • Cosmetics
  • Tobacco Products



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