How to contact Fedloan


This is an introduction to FedLoan, which is actually the PHEAA company, which operates under the FedLoan name.

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is a branch of the state government of Pennsylvania and this is doubtless one of the best provisions that has been made for current or prospective students. The purpose of this agency is to provide funds grant loans or otherwise pay for the higher education of students in the state of Pennsylvania. This agency was formed with the idea that nobody should be denied their education, and indeed our future depends on the students of today, for those who do well in the studies today go on to rule nations tomorrow.

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is one of the most widespread branches of the state government of Pennsylvania as they have offices in just about every notable city and town in the state of Pennsylvania. Quite simply, the purpose of this agency is administering student financial aid programs and make sure that sufficient monetary funds are available for these programs.

This is quite an old agency as it was created in 1963 by the reputed Pennsylvania General Assembly. Since its founding this organisation has grown exponentially, as they now are a provider of student financial aid services not only on the state level but also on the much, much higher National level. The agency provides financial aid services to not only thousands of schools with their trustworthy loans, but also to millions of individual students.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

Fedloan offers the following to customers-

  • Loan services



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