How to contact Lyft


An on-demand transportation company “Lyft” was launched in June 2012 in San Francisco, California. It is known for developing and operating Lyft car transportation mobile app till this date. Lyft is known to operate in approximately 300 U.S. cities and this is including New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles by providing 1 million rides per day. Lyft expanded its business in Canada in 2017 as a competitor to the already established Uber.

Lyft offers five kinds of rides by giving them facilities of choosing according to the customers’ needs. It has all the kinds of cars available from luxury to SUV’s. Lyft was launched by Logan Green and John Zimmer as a service of Zimride, as a long-distance ride-sharing company. As a brand, Lyft became known for the pink mustaches drivers attached to the front of their cars. This transition was to help overcome the resistance of some rides to arrive at urgent destinations such as business meetings. It increased its business by establishing itself in 24 new cities in 24 hours in April 2014. In May 2016, Lyft started offering customers rides to be scheduled 24 hours in advance.

In July 2017, the company announced its forthcoming Walt Disney World Resort “Minnie Van”. Lyft has held a very good reputation through its services and facilities and has never disappointed customers.

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Products and Services:-

Lyft offers the following services to customers-

  • Transportation
  • Shared Ride
  • Lyft XL
  • Lux
  • Lux Black
  • Lux Black XL

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