How to contact Penndot


The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is one of the most reputed transportation authorities in the entire United States, famous for being able to keep traffic accidents down to an almost unearthly level, due to the extensive traffic camera setup that they have installed in recent years. One is urged to call the PennDOT contact number if they have witnessed a traffic accident. Its main function is to address and provide solutions to transportation problems in the state of Pennsylvania. The PennDOT is administered by the Pennsylvania Secretary of Transportation, a position held now by Leslie Richards, and was formed on the day of July 1st, 1970, upon the insisting of many public figures and favourable politicians. Their jurisdiction extends all over the roads, highways, bridges, and other land transportation routes, with the exception of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, though even they prefer to operate by the excellent PennDOT rules and standards.

PennDOT also supports other modes of transportation, such as airways, waterways and railways that lead in, out, or through Pennsylvania. As the overall dominant transport authority, the department that deals with motor licensing and motor safety is also a division of PennDOT, and is controlled by the same.

Product Services:-

Penndot offers the following services to its customers-

  • Driver services
  • Vehicle services
  • Bridges
  • Rail traffic
  • Mass transit
  • Motor vehicle safety & licensing
  • Driver licensing

Area Covered

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