How to contact Air China


Being the flag carrier and one of the biggest airline service providers in china, Air China has been operating since 1st July 1988. The headquarters of this major airline is situated at Shunyi district in Beijing while the Beijing Capital International Airport holds its flight operations. From there it operates a large number of flights which are routed to Europe, North America, south America, Australia and Africa. It was estimated that in 2017, the airline carried about 102 million passengers which included both domestic and international passengers and hence it can easily be understood that the airlines really operates at a large scale. Talking about the fleet services, they are made of assortments of Airbus aircraft as well as Boeing. The second base of operation for Air china is at Chengdu international airport, from where the most of the flights are available for the domestic routes.
The network route of this magnanimous airline service is extended throughout Middle East, Asia, North America and Western Europe from its operational hubs at Beijing Capital International Airport as well as Chengdu international airport. Also it provides a significant number of flights to different destinations of Australia, Asia and Europe from Shanghai.

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Products and Services :-

Air China offers the following services to its customers-

  • Baggage Services
  • Online Check-in
  • In-flight Meals
  • In-flight Entertainment
  • In-Flight Health Care Equipment
  • Exclusive VIP Service
  • Airport Guide




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