How to contact Air France


Air France founded in 7th October 1933.  it is the French flag carrier and the headquarter of this  airline services is located at Tremblay-en-France.  the Global hub of this airline service is located at Charles de  Gaulle  airport  where the Orly  airport acts the mean domestic hub.
The operation of Air France include a fleet of both airbus and Boeing that goes on long routes.
The United States offices of the Air France are located in Manhattan, New York city.  For IPS Ireland and United Kingdom operations, the offices are located at is located at Hatton cross.  Hence it can be said that France operates at a global level, where its flights goes to many destinations around the world. However, in September 2018, Air France announced that it would stop the commercial flights to Iran as they are unable to generate proper revenues from that area which makes the operations commercially non viable and this has happened because of the refined sanctions done by United States. Air France has migrated from the process of internal management of Passenger service system to an external system that is managed more efficiently by Amadeus and in Europe; it is also jointly operating high speed railway services.

Table of Contents

Products and Services :-

Air France offers the following services to its customers-

  • In-flight catering
  • In-flight entertainment
  • Le Salon
  • Flying Blue


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