How to contact Fema


This is supposed to be an introduction to FEMA, its founding and current services.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is one of the agencies sanctioned by the United States Department of Homeland Security. It was initially created by the presidential Reorganisation plan number 3, of 1978, and was set into executive action in 1979. The primary purpose of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is coordinating the proper response to some sort of natural or manmade disaster that has occurred in any part of the United States and has proven to be overwhelming for local and state resources and authorities.

forest state to get paid from FEMA the governor of the same state must declare a state of emergency and request the president that FEMA be involved in the aid activities. Wild agency specialises in on ground support of recent or immediate disasters they also provide advisor is and assistance to state and local governments for rebuilding efforts of the disasters and can also provide funds for various purposes, some of which can be building additional or past infrastructure or rebuilding of residential buildings for a temporary response to a recent disaster. Another service provided by FEMA is that they have to train response personnel at various Training Centre spread through the United States, so that immediate aid for disasters can be Swift and efficient.

Table of Contents

Products and Services-

Fema offers the following services to customers-

  • Crisis Counselling Assistance
  • Disaster Unemployment Assistance
  • Disaster Legal Services



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