How to contact Ge


General Electric or GE is a multinational conglomerate of American origin which is incorporated in New York. The headquarters of this organisation is located at Boston and the company was founded in 1892. GE has a vast area of operations that includes different kinds of sectors like health care, aviation, digital, power, renewable energy, venture capital and finance, additive manufacturing, transportation, lighting along with oil and gas. This organisation was ranked as 18th largest organization of United States by Fortune 500 in 2018 going by the gross revenue. It is also stands at rank 14th given by Fortune 20 for the most profitable organisation in 2011 along with being awarded for standing as the 4th largest company in the world by Forbes Global 200 in the year 2012. Irving Langmuir and Ivar Giaever were awarded with noble prize in the year 1932 and 1973 respectively who were both employees of this organisation.
As they have the potential of causing pollution in future and as they have polluted the environment in the past due to their operations, GE have taken in some environmental initiatives as they started using solar panels which would reduce their power needs to a huge extent and along with that they have also planted several trees so as to protect the environment.

Table of Contents

Products and Services :-

Ge offers the following services to its customers-

  • Aircraft engines
  • Electrical distribution
  • Electric motors
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Gas
  • Health care
  • Lighting
  • Locomotives
  • Oil
  • Software
  • Water
  • Weapons
  • Wind turbines

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