How to contact Panasonic


Panasonic is one of those names that most of us not only know, not only recognize, but quite openly prefer over other brands in the same industry, if not adore them for their durable products that have proved themselves to be the superior products not once, not twice, but indeed several times. One of the largest and most popular electronics corporations there are, Panasonic is the preferred brand for quit a large portion of the world, as their products are preferred by hosts and crowds of people all over the known world of today.

Being one of the major contenders in the industries of Electronics, Semiconductors and Home appliances, they were founded all the way back on March 13, 1918, a solid 100 years ago, giving them quite a long time over which to gather a lot of operating experience, and become veterans of the Electronics industry. One of their most popular products are their televisions, which are famous all over the world. Always a company that has valued the opinions and comments of its customers and clients, they urge anybody with any sort of feedback such as complaints, suggestions, remarks and others to immediately call the Panasonic contact number.

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Products and Services :-

Panasonic offers the following services to its customers-

  • Avionics Corporation
  • Mobile Communications
  • Universal Studios
  • Cameras
  • Computer
  • Headphones
  • televisions


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