How to contact Post Office


The United States Postal Service is an independent postal service agency in United States. Since 1st July 1971, it has been providing postal services that include its associated states and insular areas. This is one of the few government agencies approved by the United States Constitution. The main headquarter is located in Washington DC, U.S. For 47 years, the company employs more than six lacs workers that make it the third largest independent civilian employer after the Wal-Mart and the Federal Government. Every day, this independent United States postal service delivers more than 660 million pieces of mail to their respective 142 million delivery points.

There are 31,585 locations as well as post offices of USPS in the U.S., delivering 153.4 billion pieces of mail annually. This agency handles one of the largest civilian vehicle’s fleets in the entire world. Vehicles like Chevrolet/Grumman LLV and the Ford/Utilimaster FFV and it estimates more than 222,896 vehicles. Many of this agency’s vehicles has right handed drives, allowing the driver the access the mail boxes easily. This agency is said to be the world’s largest postal system that delivers 47% of globe’s mail. There are also some rural letters carries who use personal vehicles.

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Products and Services :-

Post Office offers the following services to its customers-

  •  USPS Tracking
  •  Certified Mail
  •  Certificate of Mailing
  •  Bulk mail
  •  Priority Mail Express
  • Priority Mail
  • Priority Mail Express

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