How to contact Prometric


Prometric also goes by the name Prometric Testing and is one of the largest giants in the test administration industry. A US based company, they are quite reputed for the fantastic standards and the quality of service that they uphold. Prometric is known in the industry for operating and administering a test centre network that by the standards of other such networks, is quite gigantic, with more than thousands of sites in locations spread around more than 160 countries. Many examinations are administered at or by Prometric sites, with some famous consumers of their famed service being the Nationwide Mortgage and Licensing System, the European Personnel Selection Office, The Diplomate of National Board, the Architect Registration Examination, along with many other famous clients who have their exams administered at sites established by Prometric.

Founded in 1990, this company has its headquarters in Canton (Baltimore, Maryland), United States. The company itself is a quite well performing subsidiary of the Educational Testing Service, what is called the world’s largest non-profit educational testing organization. If one has any doubts, questions, queries, complaints, praises or general remarks to make or post about Prometric service, they are urged to immediately call the Prometric contact number.

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Products and Services:-

Prometric offers the following services to its customers-

  • Access Solution
  • Lifting Solutions
  • Fabric Maintenance Integrated Solutions
  • Asset Integrity
  • Training Solution


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