How to contact Con Edison


Consolidated Edison Inc which is famous as Con Edison is among the largest energy companies in the America that are owned by the investors. They have approximately asserts of USD  48 billion and generates a revenue of about USD 12 billion. The company has a huge array of products which are related to the energy industry, and they serve the same to the customers through their different subsidiaries like
CECONY- This subsidiary group provides different types of regulated utility services for gas and electricity in the cities of New York, Manhattan, Westchester country etc.
Orange and Rockland Utility, Inc.- this subsidiary serves utility services to the customers who mainly lives in Northern part of New Jersey and south-eastern part of New York.
Con Edison solution- This is a subsidiary for energy services.
Con Edison Transmission- they mainly invest in the natural gas and electric transmission processes.
Con Edison Development- this subsidiary mainly works on owning and operating infrastructure projects of energy.
Even though the company provides an array of services to New York and many other allied cities but some service problems and incidents that have occurred in the recent past had a huge negative impact on the public reputation of the company.

Table of Contents

Products and Services :-

Con Edison offers the following services to its customers-

  • Providing Electric And Gas Service
  • Energy Services
  • Renewable Energy
  • Electric And Natural Gas Transmission


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