How to contact Pge


The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is one of the most famous companies there are in the entire Electrical Utilities Industry, and has, since its founding, gradually become a behemoth of the industry, towering tall over the smaller companies commonly found servicing smaller areas. PG&E is headquartered in the Pacific Gas and Electric Building in San Francisco, California. It serves quite a large area, that is, it provides natural gas and electricity to most of California, representing an area that contains more than 5 million households. Being overseen by the California Public Utilities Commission, it was founded all the way back in 1905, more than 110 years ago, proving this is one of the oldest electric utilities’ companies in the entire world, and is currently owned by the PG&E Corporation, a corporation which has a value of more than 13 billion dollars. The company itself hires about 23000 employees (an approximation or educated guess).

Always a company that has not only respected, but appreciated the feedback of its customers and clients, they urge anybody with any sort of feedback such as comments, complaints, remarks, suggestions, doubts, questions or queries to not delay and immediately call the PG&E Contact number.

Table of Contents

Products and Services :-

Pge offers the following services to its customers-

  • Natural Gas
  • Electricity


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