How to contact Juul


JUUL Labs is one of the very largest entries in the Electronic Cigarette industry, and have risen to be one of the very behemoths, standing tall and towering over the other, smaller companies. JUUL Labs is a company that has spun off from the famous and reputed PAX Labs, who developed the JUUL E-Cigarette in the first place, but then had the developing team spun off as a separate company. JUUL Labs was founded in July 2017, just 16 months ago, but have experienced simply massive growth since their founding, becoming quite a well-known company in the shot time of just 16 months. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States.

The JUUL E-Cigarette has become the most popular E-Cigarette in the entire United States and is used widely and quite commonly by both the young and old populace. The E-Cigarette itself uses nicotine salts that one finds in leaf-based tobacco, as the main ingredient for the E-Cigarette. A company that quite commonly asks for the input, such as suggestions and remarks, of their customers, they urge anybody with any sort of remarks, questions, queries, doubts, complaints or praises to immediately call the JUUL Contact number.

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Product Services:-

Juul offers the following services to its customers-

  • Electronic cigarette
  • Fish and chips
  • Food waste
  • Growth hormone
  • Sexualization


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