How to contact Poshmark


Poshmark is by far one of the largest Electronic commerce websites there are. While this company is in a business that we are all too familiar with, the service they provide is very different from other, standard electronic commerce websites. For one, they do sell quite a large range of retail products that are available in a wide range of varieties. Secondly, the company is also one of the few reliable places for transacting mercantile deals that involve objects of a used or second-hand nature.

This means that Poshmark is one of the few websites where one can make reliable deals involving the buying or selling of products that have already been bought or purchased once. The website deals mainly with the buying and selling, of retail first hand or used second hand, clothing and garments, different varieties and brands of shoes and other accessories which are related to these two. If one has any complains or remarks, they are urged to call the Poshmark contact number. It was founded in 2011, 7 years ago, by Manish Chandra, Tracy Sun, Gautam Golwala, Chetan Pungaliya. The company, being a totally US based organisation, has its headquarters in Redwood City, California.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

Poshmark offers the following services to its customers-

  • Kids
  • Men
  • Women cloths
  • Handbags
  • Shoes
  • Jewellery & Accessories
  • Makeup


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