How to contact CMS


CMS stands for the content management system. This system works to modify and manages the creation of digital contents. This system allows multi-users to use it at the same time interval. Great variety of features are included in a content management system that enables the customer in creating the best digital content.  Format management, index search, web-based publishing, retrieval. History editing and version control are the functions of CMS systems. The Content Management System separates the presentation and content on the basis of the nature of the content.

WCMS OR WCM is also a feature of CMS. The main function of WCMS is to manage the content included in web pages. WCMS stands for Web Content Management System. It manages the videos, graphics, texts, audio, maps, and applications that are used in web pages. It has two major components. First is the content management application and the second is a content delivery application. Both these components work together for the making of better digital content. Some of the common features of CMS include online helps, the functionality of the users and the groups, supports the templates for the changing designs, it compiles with various audit logs, Searches Engine Optimization (SEO) FRIENDLY URLs

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Products and Services-

CMS offers the following services to its customers-

  • Administers The MedicareProgram
  • Administer Medicaid
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program(CHIP)
  • Health Insurance Portability Standards


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