How to contact Instacart


A company that has quickly climbed the ranks of delivery services in both utility of services rendered, and convenience afforded to the user, along with cheap, unbeatable rates, Instacart has risen to the top of many charts in America. Primarily an America based company, Instacart was founded in 2016, just 2 short years ago, by a team of visionaries and pioneers in the field of swift delivery and Retail services, Apoorva Mehta, Max Mullen and Brandon Leonardo, and is owned by Malbear Inc.

The main service rendered by the Instacart service is that they operate as one of the only grocery delivery retail services. A customer accesses their website or native app, chooses a specified amount of their chosen groceries, fresh produce and other edible and cooking sundries, and orders them, which is then delivered by what is called a personal shopper, somebody who gives advice, makes suggestions and provides services such as delivery of the ordered items (on the very same day, if the location ordered is sufficiently close to one of their storage hubs.

Instacart has always been a company that listens to user made suggestions, and thus urges anybody with remarks to call the Instacart contact number.

Table of Contents

Product Services:-

Instacart offers the following services to its customers-

  • DoorDash
  • Publix
  • Online food ordering
  • Costco

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