How to contact Sprint


Headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas, United States, the 119-year-old telecommunications giant Sprint runs a business of USD 32.18 billion per the 2016 statistics. Sprint Corporation provides the 4th largest mobile network operator in the US primarily offering wireless internet services to more than 54 million consumers per the latest data of October 2017.

Under the business names of Boost Mobile, Assurance Wireless, Virgin Mobile, the company sells broadband, wireless voice, and messaging services. They’re mainly the subsidiaries of the main business. Originated as Brown Telephone Company in 1899, in the rural area of Kansas, the company started its journey by offering telephone connections and services. Since then, the company has shifted its business and business names for various benefits and for also growing to what it has become today, a multi-billion dollar company.

In 2013, a popular Japanese telecommunications company named SoftBank Group Corp. purchased the majority of the company’s share, the remaining of the Sprint’s shares continues trading in the Wolf Street NY. Sprint used CDMA, EvDO and the very latest 4G LTE networks.

Users are given the provision to pay their bills, change their existing packages or buy new smartphones through the business website of Sprint.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

Sprint offers the following services to its customers-

  • Wireless communications
  • Internet services
  • Long distance

Area Covered

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